Web integration - Hosted Mode
The hosted mode is the quickest method to add Ramp Network to your app.
Basic integration
Integrating Ramp Network in hosted mode is pretty straightforward - the only thing you need to do is to redirect your user to https://app.ramp.network/
with mandatory mandatory configuration params. Note that this approach will work for both desktop and mobile integrations - no extra work needed! Just add a link to your app.
>Go to Ramp Network</a
If you want to set some custom options for your integration, just add them as query parameters to the URL.
For example, let's set a userAddress
param so that it'll be prefilled for the user.
href="https://app.ramp.network?hostApiKey=your_host_apiKey&hostAppName=your_app_name&hostLogoUrl=https://example.com/logo.png&userAddress=user blockchain address"
Go to Ramp Network
Now, when a user goes through the purchase flow, their crypto will be sent to the specified address.
A more detailed list of the available configurations with examples can be found here.